Industrial Design Language


Corporate product portfolio management

Swisscom offers consumer electronics. As a Swiss brand it should deliver the typical Swiss experience: Excellent design, reduced to what you need.

But it is hard to manage the development of a seamless experience when you constantly have to deal with little details. You can get distracted by problems and lose focus. This is why you need someone to take care of the details.

Client | Swisscom
Sector | Communication
Year | 2015 - Now

On time and within budget ​

Design management can be a pretty nice job. Advancing design strategy, enabling new market growth, creating successful market icons. But sometimes it just means dealing with tons of problems.

Having a design partner who is not only capable of delivering iconic ideas and providing strategic advice, but also coordinating the details while being on time and within budget, alleviates these problems.

Translation of modern swiss values

When we started working with Swisscom, our task was corporate product design: Developing a consistent range of seamlessly integrated communication tools. Step by step, we’ve created a clean and precise corporate product portfolio, perfectly translating Swiss values like purism, modernity and high-quality into products which offer maximum ease of use.

Strategic design management

Over time our task has evolved from delivering excellent product design to offering broad design management support. It has become a strategic partnership with us taking care of all the problems along the way. We cooperate with vendors and coordinate production. We clarify questions, solve problems and make sure everything runs on time and within budget, easing the whole process.

Excellence, reduced to what you need.

Being relieved from all the hassle, Design management could stay focused on the real job. This enabled our partnership to come up with extremely successful products. Products that were easy to handle, both for users and management. Products that have been awarded with the German Design Award. If everyone involved is able to focus on the real tasks, success is much easier to achieve.

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